Power to the People! :
Jigsaw Pieces - 252
Created using Tibosoft Software.
LANDSCAPES and SKIES GALLERY by PhotoGraphixDesigns
Look carefully, very carefully, and you'll see them - the pylons - carrying Power to the People! And then there's Our Sun. You simply cannot miss it. It’s the Main Feature. Fuelling our planet; pouring torrents of energy towards us; making us warm. And that's just what this picture is, a power house, all warm, and gloriously glowing. And just in case you’re curious about where this picture was taken, it was in The County of Bishops of course, and that would be County Durham, in the UK, where sunsets like these (and if you look carefully - the pylons too) can be seen all the year round. It all makes for a colourful, challenging jigsaw.
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